The Rémanimals
Rémy Rotenier has created a new jewelry brooch collection, called RémanimalsTM, which features miniature hand-painted portraits of animals dressed up to the nines. For more information or to commission a RémanimalsTM brooch, contact Rémy Rotenier at

Rémy Rotenier is a ...
Trained in the classical European manner at l'école du Louvre in Paris, Rémy is one of the most prolific and in-demand jewelry designers.
Discriminating buyers around the world come to Rémy for individual jewelry designs of great expression and beauty.
Rémy takes great pleasure in giving back to aspiring artists through teaching.
Rémy creates design collections for large jewelry manufacturing concerns. This work is rarely under his own name, but the design integrity speaks for itself.
A renouned painter of miniatures, Rémy's work can be found in museums and art galleries around the country, and is frequently featured in exhibitions.